Reading subdirectories of – Open: /Files/Documents/ operation not permitted

This error message usually indicates that the backup software does not have the necessary permissions to access the folders listed in the error message.

eazyBackup runs as a background service in Windows. The background service runs as an the NT SERVICE\backup.delegate account. This account has very low permissions, and may not be able to access some files.

You can change the 'Log On' user of the eazyBackup delegate service to resolve this error:

  • Use the Taskbar search to search for 'Services' and then open the Services app.

  • Locate the eazyBackup delegate service. Right click and select Properties

  • Select the Log On tab.

  • Click the 'This account' option and click the Browse button

  • Click 'Advanced' and then 'Find Now'

  • A list of local accounts should appear, select an account that will have enough privileges to access the files selected for backup. Usually your own account or an Admin account will work well.

  • Click OK to close all open windows

  • You need to restart the service for the changes to take effect. From the Services app, right click on the eazyBackup delegate service and select 'Restart'

  • Run your backup again to test if the change has resolved the warning.


Last updated