Cancel a Running Backup Job

You can cancel a running backup job in the backup app, select the Backup tab, click on the Protected Item with the running status icon.

Selecting the running item will reveal the details pane for that job which includes the Cancel button.

Procedure to force stop abandoned backup

If the backup job appears to be in-progress but cannot be stopped and is no longer showing activity, the job may be abandoned. Please use the following procedure to stop the backup process.

Running backup jobs can be cancelled from within the desktop application or from the Control Panel.

Cancel Running Backup from Application

  1. First, try the procedure detailed above to cancel the running job from within the application. If there is no response using the Cancel button in the app, please use the Control Panel to cancel the job.

Cancel Running Backup from Control Panel

  1. Log-in to the Control Panel:

    1. From the main menu, select History -> Job History.

    2. You can filter the list to show only running jobs - type Running in the Job History filter field.

    3. Click the Report button next to the Running job you want to Cancel

    4. On the Report page, click the Cancel button to stop the abandoned job.

    5. If the job status does not change to "Cancelled" within a few minutes, please contact support for assistance.


Last updated